I’m moving on to bigger and better things

After 15 great year’s involvement with BT’s intranet, including 8 years as the BT Intranet manager, it’s time to move on to fresh opportunities.  Today is effectively my last day in BT before I go on holiday until the end of June.
As BT”s intranet manager, I have transformed the BT intranet strategy, governance, standards, knowledge sharing and publishing to an industry leading level of excellence.  The Intranet Benchmarking Forum have evaluated it as the best intranet overall and in each of their categories.  An achievement I am very proud to be responsible for!
With the successful implementation of SharePoint 2010 over the past 12 months, what future challenges within BT are there for me?  I feel this is the right time to use all my experience gained while BT’s intranet manager along with my SP2010 experience to broaden my horizons.
I have had some great offers made to me already to use my knowledge with intranet strategy, governance, standards, innovation, etc, in the wider global intranet community.
They helped me decide to freelance.  I am interested in working with different organizations on their intranet related projects.

I will become more involved with the IBF team rather than just as a member.  It will be great to continue with a fantastic bunch of people led by Paul Miller and develop my experience and skills further.

It also means I can continue this blog and use it to share more of my knowledge and experience.

If you want to stay in touch you can read and comment on my blog posts.  I’m also on LinkedIn, Twitter, Quora, Foursquare, Facebook and Yammer if you add me to your network or you can email me directly markmorrell.ltd@gmail.com.
The past 15 years have been great fun.  I would like to continue in the next stage of my life with all my intranet friends around the world connected with me still.

15 responses to “I’m moving on to bigger and better things

  1. best of luck, mark! i’ll miss your model blog posts!

  2. Congratulations Mark.

    Now then, getting pragmatic for a second, do BT need a new intranet manager? 🙂

  3. All the best in your future endeavors as you move on to some exciting and new opportunities Mark!

  4. Cheryl Lesser

    Mark, you’ve always been a beacon of graciousness and sanity in the world of intranets. I’ve always enjoyed reading your blog posts and listening to you present on various IBF shows. Best wishes to you.

  5. Wishing you all the best Mark. And looking forward to your future blog posts!

  6. Catherine Grenfell

    Congratulations Mark, you will enjoy moving out of the corporate world. All the best for the future.

  7. Peter Richards

    Good luck with your future Intranet adventures and enjoy your well earned break.

  8. Heather Alexander

    All the best in the next adventure! It was a pleasure working with you on the intranet while I was in BT.

    PS and leaving BT did genuinely start a whole new adventure for me 🙂

  9. Maybe we’ll have time for that coffee this summer! All the best with your future plans and ambitions.

  10. Congratulations mate, good luck and keep sharing that Intranet knowledge.

  11. Good luck Mark!


  12. All the best and god luck with your new journey. Hope that we will meet IRL one day.

  13. Pingback: How to be better digital workplace professionals « Mark Morrell

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